A door can be very entertaining for a child. There are a lot of switches and levers they can play with. However, each turn of a switch or a lever can open the door or window. This is very dangerous for your child especially in a moving vehicle. Make sure the child locks on the doors are enabled and the windows are locked.
Use Baby Seats
When we enter a car and take our seat, usually our first action is to buckle up. Safety belts our responsible for many saved lives during car accidents. However, they are designed for a larger body and not for your babies. This is why baby seats are very important. There is a more likely chance your baby will get injured without a car seat than in one. It is best to position the baby seat in the middle back seat. This gives some room in the event of side collisions. It also distances your child from playing with the doors. Make sure the baby seats are the right size for your baby.
Remove The Clutter
Since we use our cars often, it is more likely to accumulate some items as well. We can leave some of our stuff inside our car. Plastic bags, drinking bottles, and other items. Some may be sharp, some can be dangerous. Make sure your car is clear of junk especially in the areas near your baby.
Keep Your Car Clean
If you are a parent, you know that neat and tidy does not go along with having children. There will always be toys lying around, spilled food and drinks, or trash just littered around. The same will happen to your car if your child stays long enough in it. You can help keep your car clean by covering seats with bath towels. You can also use removable rugs on the carpet. This will help you clean up and avoid getting the mess into your seats and flooring.
Keep your car protected from situations out of your reach. At Valencia Insurance Group, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (772) 344-8899 or Click Here to request a free quote.